Master Certification Workshop |
| Pole Dance Studio presents... Pole Dancing Master Certification Workshop 3 Days in Vancouver, British Columbia! Intensive Pole Dancing Workshop (complete with Lap Dancing & Striptease Workshop) plus our newest Chair Dancing Showcase! Get 2 complete certifications - one for pole dancing and the other for lap dancing & striptease! Pre-registration required. Very limited spacing. Taught by Sharon and Britt - Combined experience includes over 15 years' experience in exotic and pole dancing, fitness instructor, artistic director and choreographer! Pole Dance Studio Inc. is the first and original company to hold the Master Certifications for pole dancing and lap dancing. Contact Tatiana at 604-000-0000 or email to register for this 3-day certification workshop. Times and Dates:
Location: Cost: Next Set of Times and Dates: 3-Day Intensive Pole Dancing, Lap Dancing, Striptease and Chair Dancing - NEW!
*Complete pole dancing, lap dancing and striptease choreographies do NOT include each individual and regular class syllabus for each level. Syllabi (complete breakdowns of class movements per level) or detailed descriptions of class curriculum regularly offered by Pole Dance Studio are reserved for Private Master Certifications only. *All accessories and equipment needed for pole dancing, lap dancing and chair dancing will be supplied during workshop. *For the lap dancing & striptease workshop portion, you may want to bring some extra layers of clothing. Suggestions: an extra bra to put over your shirt or top, cardigan with or without buttons or zipper, long-sleeved or short-sleeved shirt or top, wrap around skirt or pants for taking off, shorts, top with spaghetti straps for taking off (have another bra, sports bra or another top/camisole underneath) or any other article of clothing or sexy lingerie that you wish to learn how to "striptease". Expect to have fun and even laugh during the striptease portion. Absolutely no nudity involved. *Suspensions on pole for pole dancing are optional and only for those inclined and able to hold their body weight against the pole. All moves will be modified accordingly and all advanced suspensions will have beginner modifications. Who should take this workshop? This workshop is meant for beginners to intermediate pole dancers; for aspiring instructors; for prospective business owners and operators of pole dancing schools and studios; for both dancers and non-dancers and for those wanting to have a very good foundation for learning and teaching pole dancing. This workshop is also meant for passionate pole dancer wannabe's who want to learn more pole spins, floor work and artistic choreographed moves; for those who want to hone their pole dancing skills and take with them a complete written breakdown of all the pole moves, pole spins, floor work and the choreographed movements that they can use for themselves or for teaching others. There will be lots of fun, easy-to-follow choreographed content and we will also go over the physical aspects that relate to pole dancing. Note: Pole dancing in this workshop is geared for fitness and learning and we ask that you either be barefoot or wear ballet shoes for the pole dancing portion unless otherwise specified. High heels and boots can impede progress in learning the technical maneuvers and can distract from the core learning concepts of pole dancing in this workshop. 3-Day Pole Dancing, Lap Dancing, Striptease & Chair Dancing Workshops Description A fast-paced, challenging, comprehensive and fun 3-day workshop that guarantees you will be mentally stimulated, emotionally rewarded and be physically challenged to new heights. You will have a blast learning a multitude of pole spins, combination pole spins, and pole work and maneuvers. You will also learn easy to follow choreography that covers all aspects of pole dancing and lap dancing including floor work, blanket work and transitional movements. You will also learn the latest fitness craze - chair dancing and see what a phenomenal and versatile workout it can be! We can also provide you with some accessories (blankets, boas and hats) during the workshops to add special touches to the choreography that you will learn. Refreshments provided. We take pride in being able to break down components in a format that makes it accessible for everyone - whether you have a dance background or not. You will never have so much learning and fun working out at the same time - ever! The workshops are held in a safe, healthy and non-threatening environment. Workshops open to women and gay guys. Be prepared to have a super fun and challenging workout that will totally blow your mind away! » Also see Lap Dancing & Striptease (aka Sensual Movement & Striptease) |
all contents copyright Pole Dance Studio™ Inc. |